一般社団法人 コ・イノベーション研究所


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About Us About COIL


Co-Innovation Laboratory is a consulting firm co-creating new types of Universal Design.

Creating an inclusive society* where we can acknowledge diversity, respect and support individuality, is advocated as an immense social issue.


COIL (Co-Innovation Laboratory) considers creating an inclusive society as a social issue that needs to be solved. It has been established with the goal of creating economic, as well as social value by involving various stakeholders by solving this issue.


*Inclusive society: a society where people with disabilities who haven’t always had the opportunity to fully participate in society, can actively partake in and contribute to it.

Business Contents

Universal & Business

We generate new business opportunities out of creating a universal, inclusive society

●Promotion of barrier-free mindset in companies
●Consultation (new business projects, employment, adopting a barrier-free design, social business, etc.)
●Creation of examples by producing businesses linking companies and people with disabilities

Universal Experiential Learning

We propose interactive learning experiences about the following topics

●Organization management
●Product development
●Barrier-free mindset
●Volunteer training
●Diversity & inclusion

Universal Communication

We report the latest information related to creating an inclusive society

●Holding COIL seminars
●Posting on our website and social media
●Publishing papers and newsletters


We help advancing the participation of people with disabilities in society, and greaten their resilience to disasters by promoting wheelchair skills and wheelchair assistance skills

●Wheelchair operating skills instructor classes
●Wheelchair assistance / disaster prevention classes
●Business classes (diversity / barrier-free mindset)
●Inclusive sport classes

Strohkendl Plan

About the Strohkendl Plan

Co-Innovation Laboratory have been using the Strohkendl Plan since December 2018, with the aim of creating an inclusive society where diverse individuals can enjoy life and support each other, inheriting the principles and last wishes of Dr. Horst Strohkendl, our honorary advisor, who worked on promoting wheelchair users’ participation in society through sports for over 50 years.

01.Wheelchair projects

We carry out training, develop and hold classes for wheelchair skill instructors, and produce learning materials related to wheelchairs.

02. Translation of Stohkendl’s works

We translate Stohkendl’s works about the principles and methods of sports instruction for wheelchair users, and promote his ideas and knowledge.

03. Developing and holding classes about sports instruction

We develop and hold classes for educating people (such as teachers and coordinators) to be able to solve social issues through sports, such as promoting social participation of people with disabilities in society.

04. Wheelchair for children

We cooperate with specialized manufacturers in Germany to promote wheelchairs for children below the age of 6 with disabilities in their limbs.

05. Promoting inclusive sports

We promote inclusive sports such as teqball and balloon volleyball, in which you can participate regardless of your disabilities, gender or age.

About Dr. Stohkendl

Dr. Horst Strohkenld (Professor Emeritus at University of Cologne, Germany)

(December 8th, 1941 – August 19th, 2018, died at age 76)
He proposed the functional classification system in his doctorate thesis in the early ‘80s, creating the basics of the classification system currently used at the Paralympic Games, held positions on the Technical Commission in the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation, and was part of the Executive Board in the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports (IWAS) World Games, contributing towards his field internationally.
He worked on educating sports instructors in Germany, created the ground for establishing more than 300 community clubs for wheelchair sports, and he was called the father of wheelchair sports. After he retired from the University of Cologne in 2006, he held seminars and lectures for educating instructors all over the world. He visited Japan 14 times. He was an honorary advisor of our firm from February 2018.


  • 毛利 伸也(もうり しんや) 理事


    毛利 伸也(もうり しんや) 理事




    中小企業診断士、経産省認定支援機関、LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® トレーニング修了認定LSPファシリテーター

    大手エンターテイメント企業に就職。主に、ポップスからクラシックまで、洋楽の制作宣伝を担当した。30歳で独立起業し、音楽雑誌の発行と音楽レーベル運営を行う。複数の企業のプロジェクトリーダーとして新規事業に携わる機会が増え、2012年に経営コンサルタントとして活動をはじめる。 2013年、中小企業の経営支援する合同会社エドエックス・ラボを立ち上げ、新しい経営および研修メソッドのプログラム開発を行い提案している。2016年11月に、理事として、コ・イノベーション研究所の立ち上げから参加。ソーシャルビジネスや障害者理解、雇用に関わる企業コンサルタント、研修プログラム開発にも注力している。法政大学ビジネススクール特任講師、淑徳大学総合福祉学部 非常勤講師。

  • 江尻 博秋(えじり ひろあき) 顧問


    江尻 博秋(えじり ひろあき) 顧問





    大阪外国語大学(現 大阪大学外国語学部)ロシア語科卒業後、1974年、丸紅株式会社へ入社。繊維・ファッションビジネスを中心に、国内及び世界各地に出張、ナイロビ、モスクワに駐在する。2010年、国際ファッションセンター株式会社に入社、取締役産業支援部長として、主に中小企業、及び創業者支援に従事する。2016年退職後、現職。なお、独立行政法人 中小企業基盤整備機構 国際化支援アドバイザーを兼務し、中小企業者を継続的にサポートしてきている。

  • 染谷恵助(そめやけいすけ) スタッフ


    染谷恵助(そめやけいすけ) スタッフ


    国家資格キャリアコンサルタント、一般社団法人日本産業カウンセラー協会 産業カウンセラー、大阪商工会議所 メンタルヘルス・マネジメント検定Ⅱ種ラインケア、一般社団法人日本栄養睡眠改善協会 栄養睡眠改善トレーナー、財団法人全日本情報学習振興協会 個人情報保護士

  • QUIs(くいず) COILインターンシップ


    QUIs(くいず) COILインターンシップ


  • COILスタッフ青山(あおやま)




  • 富澤亮太(とみざわりょうた)




    ビジネスコンサルティング・リサーチ(人材育成、組織開発、情報セキュリティ、非言語情報による協同関係構築支援 等)


    ビジネス・キャリア制度「能力開発」、LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® トレーニング修了認定LSPファシリテーター、世田谷美術大学25期生



  • 北野 孝志(きたの たかし)


    北野 孝志(きたの たかし)




    中小企業診断士、LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® トレーニング修了認定LSPファシリテーター




Company Overview

NameGeneral Incorporated Association Co-Innovation Laboratory
Representative DirectorDaisuke Hashimoto
DirectorSinya Mouri
AdvisorHiroaki Ejiri
Miki Matheson
StaffStaff: 4/ Adviser: 1 / Partners: 5
Services01. Business consulting and marketing research
02. Researching, planning and consulting about economics, politics, law, society, industries, and local development
03. Planning and selling of education programs, and providing instructors
04. Labor consulting
05. Social marketing
06. Consulting about industry-academia collaboration
07. Planning, creating and selling publications
08. Planning, creating, selling and managing promotions of companies and products
09. Real estate management and consulting
10. Planning, creating, selling, promoting and managing online services
11. Providing temporary staffing
12. Employment consulting
13. Educating nursing professionals
14. Supporting employment of people with disabilities
15. Providing welfare services based on the laws related to disabilities
16. Nursing services
17. Services related to the previous points
Commission byGeneral Incorporated Association Japan Wheelchair Instructor Association
Established 11th of November, 2016
Acces130-0026 Tokyo, Sumida-ku, Ryougoku 2-9-5 TKF2 3rd floor
Access[JR] Ryogoku Station on the Chuo and Sobu Lines East Exit (5-minute walk)
[Subway] Toei Subway Oedo Line "Ryogoku Station" Exit A4, A5 (7 minutes walk)