一般社団法人 コ・イノベーション研究所


お問い合わせ お問い合わせ

by QUIs(くいず)

JICA report(14th August)


Hello everyone, my name is Jan. I’m an intern from Warsaw, Poland and I attended two days in
JICA activities focusing on helping people with disabilities and training other foreigners about it.
On Wednesday (14.08.2024) was my second time in JICA, which is an organisation focusing on
a lot of subjects for people and the environment. Yesterday I attended a lecture about groups of
self-help and leadership qualities for people with disabilities. In this lecture the guests were
Japanese people, Russian speaking people as one group and English speaking people as a
second and for every group an interpreter was added.

Morning Lecture:
The chairman was Sin Ohama who is using a wheelchair, because of a car accident and
because of that he created a Club named “Smile Club” in 2000 year where he created a place to
play sports for fun and to take part in sport competition like badminton / para-badminton with
both healthy people and those with disabilities together. He also explained what are the ways of
travelling with those kind of people by plane or how to transport them to plane by special bus.
After telling more about his club and the website and what it contains the short discussion was
done in which everyone could answer for question if there are similar websites about people with
disabilities in their countries and also everything else that he wanted to say or ask. The next part
was about championships and trenings done with people with disabilities in Japan and in Taiwan
and also about training for para-badminton. In the end he’s promoting the statement that sport is
not only an element of supporting independence, but also can help people with disabilities to
become more independent. This lecture emphasised that sports not only support independence
but also help individuals with disabilities become more self-reliant.
Afternoon Training with Fun Physical Activities:
Second part was more relaxed by having two kinds of games with frisbee.
The first one was throwing frisbee by foreigners to each other to have a little warm up and
getting used to it before throwing the frisbee as far as they can to gain the biggest amount of
points as the first part of prepared fun with a little bit of music to make it more pleasant and
to enhance the experience.
The second one was throwing a frisbee to the staying stable ring, firstly three frisbees from
sitting position and later from staying position but with covered eyes and also with three
frisbees. In first part the other person while staying behind the ring, was moving somehow the
flag to indicate if point was taken or not and in the second part the same person had to help
frisbee throwing person to throw it properly by saying the directions: up, down, left, right and
center and in the same time clapping with hands to navigate him or her. This exercise
highlighted the importance of adapting activities to accommodate various needs and using
simple guidance techniques to support participants.
Since most of these people are mainly interested in making life easier to disabled people and
are or were studying about it at universities in their countries, experiencing and getting to know
more pieces of information about it is definitely very useful to them to use this experience and
knowledge in future. Overall, these experiences were highly valuable in gaining insight into
disability-focused initiatives. Understanding and applying this knowledge will be crucial as we
strive to make life easier for individuals with disabilities and incorporate these lessons into our
future work.

